Thursday, October 8, 2009


Judgement..judging...terms that go through everybodys mind every day and things we as people catch outselves doing everyday. Why do we judge? Do we judge because we are insuecure? Do we judge because we think we are better? What gives us the right to judge people? Everyday when I wake up I try to wonder why this phase happens and what brings people to judge others. I have not came with a conclusion sufficient enough for me. But I do know and believe that judging other people is something we have no right to do. We are not that person, most of the time we dont even know what that person is like or thinking or even does or even enjoys. I believe that if we let people judge themselves instead of us judging others we can make a change , one step at a time to undertand each other better and get along instead of always resorting to violence. "Believe in yourself and your values"

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